Tetsuya Ohta
Born in Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan in 1941. Graduated from Kuwazawa Design School in 1963. He worked for Ikko Tanaka Design Studio from 1963 to 1975, when he became a free-lance designer and established Tetsuya Ohta Design Studio. Up to this date, he has directed various works, mainly in the fields of book designs, editorials, graphics, and corporate identities. Member of Japan Graphic Designers Association (JAGDA), Tokyo Typo Directors Club (TDC), Japan Typography Association and International Typography Association (A-Type I). / EXHIBITIONS : "Nihon Kigyo no CI Ten (Corporate Identities in Japan)" at the Ginza Matsuya Design Gallery, 1985, 1990 "Diagram" at the Ginza Graphic Gallery (ggg), 1991 / AWARDS : Gold Paper Award, Leipzig Book Fair, 1990 Minister of International Trade and Industry's Prize, Japan Book Binding Contest, 1991 Minister of International Trade and Industry's Prize, All Japan Catalogue Poster Contest, 1992 Tokyo TDC Members Blonze Prize, 1991 ADC Award, Tokyo Art Directors Club, 1992 Hiromu Hara Prize, 1992 / PUBLICATIONS : CI - Mark, Logo no Hensen (Corporate Identity - Changes in Logos & Trademarks in Japan), Rikuyo-sha, 1989, 1997 Iro no Mihon-Cho (Colour Sample Book), Goma-shobo, 1989